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Abstract Topic: Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)

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Analysis of the Administrative Process of Equalizing Academic Degrees (PGA) at the Research Center for Biotechnology LIPI in 2017-2018
Ayurisya Dominata, Firman Adityo, Novi Savarianti

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Ayurisya Dominata

Research Center for STI Policy and Management
Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2KMI-LIPI)

Research Center for Biotechnology Indonesian Institute of Sciences (P2 Bioteknologi - LIPI)

National Civil Service Agency (BKN)

This research aims to analyze the process carried out in completing the administration of Academic Degree Equivalence (PGA) Employees at the Research Center for Biotechnology LIPI 2017&2018. The background of this research is due to complaints about the issuance of Civil Servant PGA Decrees in the LIPI Biotechnology Research Center. The research method in this study uses descriptive qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques by interview, observation, and study documentation. The results of the study concluded that, there were several obstacles in the process of smooth issuance of the PGA Decree, first, coordination among many Institutions, including the Subdivision of Staff from the Research Center for Biotechnology LIPI, LIPI Organization and HR Bureau, State Civil Service Agency (BKN), and Universities that issue diploma legality for civil servants. The smoothness of the process is also influenced by the PNSs own factors, for example the completeness of administrative requirements. The conclusion of this study is that Indonesia needs a digitalization/ePGA system to propose PGA PNS proposals so that it can break the long bureaucratic path and avoid political elements/interests, as well as the process of giving study permits and learning tasks more objective and equitable for all employees

Keywords: Academic Degree Equivalence (PGA), Administration, Settlement

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Dani Setiarini, Achmad Lutfi

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Dani Setiarini

Faculty of Administrative Science, University of Indonesia

The development of technology as well as an increasingly complex society, has created a demand for better public services. Solving the problem of public services can no longer use the usual and old method. The government is required to use creative solutions by maximizing its resources and this is done through innovation. The phenomenon of the emergence of various innovations in the public sector gives a new color in the implementation of public services to the public. The presence of a motorbike permit pick-up service (AJIB) from the investment service and one-stop integrated services is a breakthrough innovation as an effort to improve service quality and eliminate the practice of brokering in licensing arrangements that seem complicated and time-consuming and highly cost. This study aims to analyze the characteristics and types of innovation from the AJIB service. The study was conducted using qualitative method with an approach literature studies through analysis of secondary data from various literature sources related to innovation in the public sector and AJIB DPMPTSP DKI Jakarta innovation. This study concludes that AJIB innovation is a type of process innovation that benefits the service user community. The prominent characteristics of the AJIB service are relative advantages, compatibility and observability, while there are still obstacles to the implementation of AJIB services on complexity characteristics.

innovation, public service, public sector

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Defining Learning Style Characteristics of English Foreign Language Learners
Muhammad Nafi Annury (a*), Yan Mujiyanto (b), Djoko Sutopo (b)

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learning styles, English foreign language, learning proses, student.

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Innovation in Orphanage Education Case Study at the Family Love Orphanage and Entrepreneurship Based School Foundation Prima Unggul
Esmi Tsalsa Sofiawati, Fransiskus Sawan, Muhamad Thoif, Nurhattati Fuad, Suryadi

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1Study Program for Primary School Teacher Education, STKIP Bina Mutiara Sukabumi
2Program Study of Elementary School Teacher Education, STKIP Paulus Santu Ruteng
3Faculty of Islamic Studies, Universitas YAPIS Papua Jayapura
1,2,3,4,5 Education Management Study Program, Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Innovation is the way organizations respond to each change appropriately so that the organization still exists and continues to develop to realize its vision. This study aims to describe educational innovations carried out at the Prima Unggul Foundation. The method used is a qualitative method with a case study approach. The research results are: 1) YPU organizes education in the form of homeschooling entrepreneurship-based. 2) The process of education implemented is an innovation because it has the characteristics of innovation which includes competitive advantage; high compatible, complexity, trialability and observability. 3) The innovation model implemented is an organization development model

Innovation, homeschooling, entrepreneurship

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


One Single Submission Program: Government Innovation for Business Licenses Through Online
Yuanindra Istighfarin (a*), Desiderius Priyo Sudibyo (b), Rino Ardhian Nugroho (b)

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Yuanindra Istighfarin

a) Master of Public of Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
b) Faculty of Social and Political Science, Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia

One of the factors increasing community welfare is the existence of good licensing services so the growth of independent community businesses also increases. Therefore, the government issued an Online Single Submission (OSS) program, an application that provides easy investment through the implementation of an integrated licensing system electronically. This research method uses a variety of literature including books, previous research, news and other literature. It was found from literatures that this program still had many obstacles including the limitations of the system, the absence of regulatory synchronization and lack of socialization in the community. Even so, the One Single Submission (OSS) program is a government innovation that is feasible to continue to be developed because it provides many benefits to the community and fosters economic development so there needs to be evaluation for this program so it can provide appropriate facilities for the community, especially business people and stakeholders.

Online Single Submission Program; Licensing System; Government Innovation

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Public Service Innovation Based On Local Wisdom In Belu Regency
Harditya Bayu Kusuma

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Harditya Bayu Kusuma

Centre of Technology Competency Development
National Institute of Public Administration Indonesia (NIPA)
Jalan Veteran No. 10 Jakarta 10110, Indonesia
Email : braw_84[at]

Belu Regency is a district that is on the edge of the border with the State of Timor Leste, which has a myriad of local wisdoms that are different from other regions. Geographical conditions, panorama, customs and local cultures are the beauty of Belu Regency. These local wisdoms drive the Government of Belu Regency to continue providing innovative public services. The purpose of this paper is to identify various local wisdoms in Belu Regency, to create innovative public services. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, which describes the efforts of the Government of Belu Regency in creating innovations based on local wisdoms. The result revealed that various local wisdom-based public service innovation have been created in Belu Regency, such as School Art Studio, Pet Health Center and Book at Matabesi. These innovations are based on untouched local wisdoms to make them beneficial to the community. This paper proves that ini the limitations of a region it turns out that an innovation in public service can be developed based on the local wisdom the region possesses. This paper concludes that the local wisdom of a region can be used in the development of innovations to improve service quality.

Innovation, Public Service, Local Wisdom

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Public Service system innovation at Directorate General Of New and Renawable Energy, between sustainability or temporary?
Anggraeni Respitawulan, Amy YS Rahayu

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anggraeni respitawulan

University of Indonesia

Public Service Innovation is a solution to increase the quality of service delivery from goverment agencies in digital era. Downstreaming of innovation is created through a series of long processes that require various actor involved in creating a system of innovation. This study aims to describe how public service sytem at Directorate Generale of New and Renewable Energy using A-F method. This study reviewing the role of activators, browsers, creators,developers, executors and facilitator by Philip Kotler seen from the influence of actors position at innovation. This post positivism study occur at September 2018 until Januari 2019 by qualitative method. Primary data were derived by indeepth interview, and secondary data were derived by literature study such as journal and report. The result obtained in this study obtained that facilitator played the key role as the higher position that can determine the sustainability of innovation because of his authority to deciding resources allocation, to integrate the system or to develop new system. The second variable that has significant role are activators, and the other variable has not significanly related with the position of actor.

Public service, innovation, actor position

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


SI BAPAK ON Innovation to Increase Local Tax Revenue in Surakarta
Putri Wulandari Atur Rejeki and Yuyu Yuningsih

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Putri Rejeki

Center of Training and Development and Competency Mapping for Government Apparatus
National Institute of Public Administration

Local tax as one of the Own-Source Revenue (PAD) is an indicator that shows the fiscal potencial. However, not all regions have it sufficiently. In order to increase local tax revenues, the city of Surakarta created the Online Taxpay Information System (Si Bapak On). This paper aims to discover the implementation of Si Bapak On, the innovation supporting factors and also the obstacles. The research methode is qualitative descriptive. The data collected by interviewing functionaries of Surakarta Agency for Management of Regional Revenue, Finance and Assets (BPPKAD). The result shows that it could runs well due to the support from the Major of Surakarta, collaboration between related stakeholders, massive socialization of the innovation, as well as the active participation from the society. The obstacles are the application is not yet integrated with the Regional Management Information System (SIMDA) which developed by the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Surakarta. Beside that, there are taxpayers who do not understand the use of this application, but there were also taxpayers who used technology to manipulate tax assessment data. To solve the problems, the Local Government of Surakarta can collaborate with BPKP; optimize mobile safari; and maximize the ability of BPKAD IT staff.

Local Tax, Innovation, Information System

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Sustainability of Internationalization of Higher Education in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era: A Systematic Literature Review
Desti Permitasari1, Ismi Dwi Astuti Nurhaeni2, Rina Herlina Haryati2

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Desti Permitasari

1 Post-graduate student of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia
2 Lecturer of Public Administration Study Program Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta, Indonesia

Throughout the last decade, Internationalization becomes highlight of Higher Education implementation all over the world. Internationalization is strategy of Higher Education to increasing its quality, using international factors as implementation institution standard. Internationalization of Higher Education comes with two different perspectives which is the opportunity to increase the quality of Higher Education or otherwise it could become global competitiveness threat. After Industrial Revolution 4.0, implementation of Internationalization of Higher Education gathers so much attention. Many countries around the world have developed implementation of Internationalization in the time of Industrial Revolution 4.0. However, some countries still facing many challenges such as: integration of Internationalization with the state policy and the limited resources of Higher Education institution. In order not to left behind, a country should simultaneously accelerate Internationalization with technological reinforcement. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the developing of Internationalization in Industrial Revolution 4.0 and to discover new resource for future research. Systematic Literature Review being used as methodology to find the purpose of this paper. This paper could be used as literature for Internationalization of Higher Education and help stakeholder to make policy in the future.

Sustainability, Internationalization of Higher Education, Industrial Revolution 4.0

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Technology Integration in Economic Learning, Is It Efective??
Agie Hanggara (a*), Iskandar (b)

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Agie Hanggara

Universitas Kuningan

ABSTRACT The fast development of technology and information has a significant impact on all activities of human life. The industrial era 4.0 that is now happening, has fundamentally changed the way of thinking and activities and has a great influence on the world of education. The development of this era is characterized by the use of information and communication technology in all aspects of life, including in the learning process. Classrooms as a place to change, improve, and prepare students skills to compete in the community of industrial revolution 4.0 era. Therefore creative thinking, critical thinking and communication skills and the ability to use interactive and innovative media are important competencies in entering human life in this century. To achieve learning success and be able to compete in a global community, students must become experts and possess skills as communicators, creators, critical thinkers, and collaborators. One solution to overcome this problem is to use online learning media in online business learning at Vocational Schools. The purpose of this study is to find out the effectiveness of online learning media in online business learning in vocational schools, especially in improving the creativity of students. The method used in this study is the Experiment method using Factorial 2x2 design. The subjects in this study were students in class XI at Kuningan State Vocational High School. The results of the study show the enthusiasm of the students, this means that online learning media have a good influence on the learning process and enhance the creativity of students. Thus it can be concluded that online learning media are effective in improving students creative thinking skills. In addition, the results of the study also conclude that there are interactions between online learning media and online business interests towards students creative thinking abilities.

Online Media, Interest in doing business, Creative Thinking Ability.

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


Edisah Putra Nainggolan

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Edisah Putra Nainggolan

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara

This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of earnings management on firm value and tax avoidance on earnings management relationships with firm value on agricultural companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This approach uses a quantitative approach, consisting of two independent variables namely earnings management, and tax avoidance, and the dependent variable is the value of the company. The object of this research is agricultural companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2013-2017. The sample used was 14 agricultural companies listed on the IDX. Testing the hypothesis in this study using multiple linear regression Based on the results showed that (1) earnings management affects the value of the company in agricultural companies on the IDX. (2) tax avoidance affects the value of the company in agricultural companies on the IDX

Earning Management, Tax Avoiding, Company Value

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


The Effectiveness of The Bureaucratic Reform David Osborne and Ted Gaebler Model in The Context of Civic Skills in An Effort to Realize Good Governance
Muhammad Ardhiansyah

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Muhammad Ardhiansyah

Departmen Civic Education, Indonesia University of Education
Jl. DR. Setiabudhi No.229, Isola, Sukasari, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40154, Indonesia

Public participation is indispensable in increasing the quality of public services is bureaucratic reform agenda which mandates to Governments that one of the major objectives of the reform is the improvement and enhancement of the quality of public services, one of which was conducted by the agency bureaucracy. Power support and level of public participation is indispensable as an indicator of the success of the reform of the bureaucracy which becomes the main purpose of the change of the system of public service at this time. This research aims to look at how the level of effectiveness and efficiency of public services in terms of the reform of the bureaucracy which is currently becoming a big government program. The theory used in this research is the effectiveness and reform of the bureaucracy from David Osborne and Ted Gaebler in his book entitled Reinventing Government, as well as views about civic Skills covers the skills of participation of citizens, and also the conceptions about good governance. The methods used in this study is the method of The method used in this research is a case study method with qualitative approach.

Effectiveness; Bureaucratic reform; David Osborne and Ted Gaebler Model; Civic skills; Good governance

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


The Impact of the Public Holiday Services Quality (LAPHALI) and the Working Spirit Employees on Public Satisfaction
Erna Rustiana (a), Hedi Cupiadi (b*), Abdullah Ramdhani (a), Ikeu Kania (a)

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Hedi Cupiadi

(a) Faculty of Social and Political Sciences
(b) Faculty of Economy
Garut University
Jl. Samarang 52 A, Garut 44151, Indonesia

Public service is a responsibility and the existence bureaucratic transformation by the government must be public satisfaction oriented. The public perception shows that the public services quality by the government has not yet been optimized. This research purpose to identify the effect of public holiday services quality and working spirit employees on public satisfaction in Garut Regency. This research uses descriptive and associative methods. The technique of collecting data uses questionnaire surveys and interviews. Participants involved were people who felt public services as many as 385 people. The data analysis technique uses PLS-SEM with reflective model, testing convergent validity based on loading factor and average variance extracted (AVE), testing discriminant validity based on reliability composite values and Cronbach alpha, testing the predictive ability of models with Stone Geisser test and the significance of the influence between constructs of latent variables based on Total Effects values. The results shown that public holiday service quality have a significant effect on public satisfaction, while working spirit employees have no significant effect on public satisfaction. The results found that working spirit employees was needed to improvement in the public service process.

Service Quality, Public Holidays Services, Working Spirit Employees, Public Satisfaction.

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


The Influence of Financial Performance, Corporate Governance, and Stock Prices to the Sustainability Reporting (Study on Companies that Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014 - 2017)
Muhammad Zaki Hasanuddin (a*), Elly Suryani (a*)

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Muhammad Zaki Hasanuddin

a) Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University
* zakihasanudin[at]
* ellysuryani[at]

A sustainability reporting is a report that is announced to the public that contains the economic, financial, social and environmental performance of a financial service institution, and public company in carrying out a sustainable business. Sustainability reporting shows the companys commitment in running a sustainable business that carries the profit, people, and planet aspects. This research aims to determine the effects of financial performance, audit committee, board of directors, and stock prices to the sustainability reporting. The population of this research are companies that listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2014 - 2017. The sample selection technique was purposive sampling with 24 companies and four years of observation so that 96 samples were observed. This research uses the panel data regression analysis with Eviews 9.0 application. We found that financial performance, audit committee, board of directors, and stock prices have a simultaneous effect to the sustainability reporting. Partially, stock prices positively effect the sustainability reporting. While the financial performance, audit committee, and board of directors does not affect the sustainability reporting.

Sustainability reporting, financial performance, audit committee, board of directors, and stock prices.

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


The Shifted of Lecturers Beliefs in Written Corrective Feedback
Iis Sujarwati (a*), Mursid Saleh (b), Dwi Rukmini (c), Sri Wuli Fitriati (d)

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Iis Sujarwati

Program Pascasarjana, Universitas negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Writing is often claimed as the most difficult and complex skill to be mastered by students. Moreover, compared to the other skills, writing is more thoughtful. In order to produce a good writing, the students writer needs a sufficient guidance from the teacher (lecturer). Providing feedback on students writing is one of the ways to help students become a good writer. This article aimed at exploring lecturers beliefs, lecturers practices and the possibility of their beliefs transformation regarding the provision of written corrective feedback on students writing. The participants of this study were three lecturers of English Education Department of an Islamic State University of Lampung, Indonesia who taught writing. Interviews and document analysis were employed in collecting the data. The data was analyzed by using Thematic analysis. The findings have shown that most of lecturers practices are mismatch with their beliefs. Moreover, the result of interview after some teaching practices has shown that their beliefs shifted by the time.

Beliefs, Practices, Written Corrective Feedback, Writing

Inovasi (Administrasi, Pemerintahan, Pelayanan Publik, Pendidikan, Kebijakan)


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